Kesan program realiti televisyen kepada masyarakat ekonomi. Kerajaan perlu lebih peka,berperanan dan memantau program-program realiti sebegini sebenarnya,sebab kesan dari segi sosialnya pada masyarakat kita boleh lihat dalam jangkamasa panjang dimana budaya kebaratan dan kepura-puraan tersemat secara perlahan dalam minda masyarakat hari ini.

Can someone please show me a full python sample code that uses pyserial, i have the package and am wondering how to send the AT commands and read them back! Python serial port access library. Contribute to pyserial/pyserial development by creating an account on GitHub.

Single-port TCP/IP - serial bridge (RFC 2217) Simple cross platform serial port server. It uses threads and is portable (runs on POSIX, Windows, etc). • The port settings and control lines (RTS/DTR) can be changed at any time using requests. The status lines (DSR/CTS/RI/CD) are polled every second and notifications are sent to the client. • Telnet character IAC (0xff) needs to be doubled in data stream.

IAC followed by an other value is interpreted as Telnet command sequence. • Telnet negotiation commands are sent when connecting to the server. • RTS/DTR are activated on client connect and deactivated on disconnect. • Default port settings are set again when client disconnects.

Python Serial Rts Cts Protocol

Usage: [-h] [-p TCPPORT] [-v] SERIALPORT RFC 2217 Serial to Network (TCP/IP) redirector. Positional arguments: SERIALPORT optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p TCPPORT, --localport TCPPORT local TCP port, default: 2217 -v, --verbose print more diagnostic messages (option can be given multiple times) NOTE: no security measures are implemented. Anyone can remotely connect to this service over the network. Only one connection at once is supported. When the connection is terminated it waits for the next connect.

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Multi-port TCP/IP - serial bridge (RFC 2217) This example implements a TCP/IP to serial port service that works with multiple ports at once. It uses select, no threads, for the serial ports and the network sockets and therefore runs on POSIX systems only.

• Full control over the serial port with. • Check existence of /tty/USB0.8. This is done every 5 seconds using os.path.exists. • Send zeroconf announcements when port appears or disappears (uses python-avahi and dbus). Service name: _serial_port._tcp. • Each serial port becomes available as one TCP/IP server. /dev/ttyUSB0 is reachable at:7000.

• Single process for all ports and sockets (not per port). • The script can be started as daemon. • Logging to stdout or when run as daemon to syslog. • Default port settings are set again when client disconnects. • modem status lines (CTS/DSR/RI/CD) are not polled periodically and the server therefore does not send NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE on its own.

However it responds to request from the client (i.e. Use the poll_modem option in the URL when using a pySerial client.).

Usage: [options] Announce the existence of devices using zeroconf and provide a TCP/IP serial port gateway (implements RFC 2217). If running as daemon, write to syslog. Otherwise write to stdout. Optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit serial port settings: --ports-regex REGEX specify a regex to search against the serial devices and their descriptions (default: /dev/ttyUSB[0-9]+) network settings: --tcp-port PORT specify lowest TCP port number (default: 7000) daemon: -d, --daemon start as daemon --pidfile FILE specify a name for the PID file diagnostics: -o FILE, --logfile FILE write messages file instead of stdout -q, --quiet suppress most diagnostic messages -v, --verbose increase diagnostic messages NOTE: no security measures are implemented. Anyone can remotely connect to this service over the network.