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DUMBLEDORE’S ARMY REUNITES AT QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP FINAL. By the Daily Prophet’s Gossip Correspondent, Rita Skeeter. There are celebrities – and then there are celebrities. The definitive guide to the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore’s Army.

Details about the lives of some Dumbledore's Army members, along with false insinuations about them DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY REUNITES AT QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP FINAL was the title of an article published in the on,. It was written. Transcript There are celebrities – and then there are celebrities.

We've seen many a famous face from the wizarding world grace the stands here in the – Ministers and Presidents,, controversial American wizarding band – all have caused flurries of excitement, with crowd members scrambling for autographs and even casting to reach the VIP boxes over the heads of the crowd. But when word swept the campsite and stadium that a certain gang of infamous wizards (no longer the fresh-faced teenagers they were in their heyday, but nevertheless recognisable) had arrived for the final, excitement was beyond anything yet seen. As the crowd stampeded, tents were flattened and small children mown down. Fans from all corners of the globe stormed towards the area where members of were rumoured to have been sighted, desperate above all else for a glimpse of the man they still call the. The Potter family and the rest of Dumbledore's Army have been given accommodation in the VIP section of the campsite, which is protected by heavy charms and patrolled.

Their presence has ensured large crowds along the cordoned area, all hoping for a glimpse of their heroes. At 3pm today they got their wish when, to the accompaniment of loud screams, Potter took his young sons and to visit the players' compound, where he introduced them to. About to turn 34, there are a couple of threads of silver in the famous 's black hair, but he continues to wear the distinctive round glasses that some might say are better suited to a style-deficient twelve-year-old. Ge 9030 software.

The famous has company: Potter is sporting a nasty cut over his right cheekbone. Requests for information as to its provenance merely produced the usual response from the: ‘We do not comment on the top secret work of the Auror department, as we have told you no less than 514 times, Ms. So what are they hiding? Is the Chosen One embroiled in fresh mysteries that will one day explode upon us all, plunging us into a new age of terror and mayhem? Or does his injury have a more humble origin, one that Potter is desperate to hide? Has perhaps cursed him? Are cracks beginning to show in a union that the Potters are determined to promote as happy?

Should we read anything into the fact that his wife Ginevra has been perfectly happy to leave her husband and children behind in whilst reporting on this tournament? The jury is out on whether she really had the talent or experience to be sent to the (jury's back in – no!!!) but let's face it, when your last name is Potter, doors open, international sporting bodies bow and scrape, and editors hand you plum assignments. As their devoted fans and followers will remember, Potter and Krum competed against each other in the controversial, but apparently there are no hard feelings, as they embraced upon meeting (what really happened in that maze? Speculation is unlikely to be quelled by the warmth of their greeting). After half an hour's chat, Potter and his sons returned to the campsite where they socialised with the rest of Dumbledore's Army until the small hours.

In the next tent are Potter's two closest associates, the ones who know everything about him and yet have always refused to talk to the press. Are they afraid of him, or is it their own secrets they are afraid will leak out, tarnishing the myth of 's defeat? Now married, and were with Potter almost every step of the way. Like the rest of Dumbledore's Army, they fought in the and no doubt deserve the plaudits and awards for bravery heaped upon them by a grateful wizarding world. In the immediate aftermath of the battle Weasley, whose famous ginger hair appears to be thinning slightly, entered into employment with the Ministry of Magic alongside Potter, but left only two years later to co-manage the highly successful wizarding joke emporium. Was he, as he stated at the time, ‘delighted to assist my brother with a business I've always loved'?

Or had he had his fill of standing in Potter's shadow? Was the work of the too much for a man who has admitted that the destruction of He Who Could Not Be Named's ‘took its toll' on him? He shows no obvious signs of mental illness from a distance, but the public is not allowed close enough to make a proper assessment. Is this suspicious? Hermione Granger, of course, was always the femme fatale of the group. Press reports of the time revealed that as a teenager she toyed with the young Potter's affections before being seduced away by the muscular Viktor Krum, finally settling for Potter's faithful sidekick. After a meteoric rise to Deputy Head of the, she is now tipped to go even higher within the Ministry, and is also mother to son,, and daughter,.