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Noun • acronym for 'that over there'. A general derogatory form of reference for a disliked female. I don't like her cause she a thot.

She a thot though. That stupid a thot, with her STD-infected. That bitch over there is a thot. That a thot,. That thot do a lot. She a ugly thot.

Ottawa Kansas be full of thots,. Apprend moi mireille mathieu download games. Person 1: That thot always be on this big. Person 2: That thot be sucking on that dick she got nothin' better do. She me and some other girls and thinks it's okay. Thot be up every guy she sees.

That right there is a thot. Why acting so thotish?, she a thot! That little thot always in a boy face. I spent the summer of 2014 with a thot named Chrisha.

That thot nothing compared to that thot over there. She sucked like 500 guy.

Love no thotties. Boyfriend stealing Thot. That nasty as thot. Bitch ass thottie hoe. Ugly ass THOT. That thottie hoe slept with my boyfriend!

• See more words with the same meaning:. Last edited on Aug 06 2018. Submitted by on. • a female who is promiscuous or dresses in a provocative way. This is a -sucking thot. It's a thot nation.

I just talk to a lot of. The that wrote 'I thot' is a thot. All these thots in Ottawa be! I dated this girl Lexi right? That thot fucked my best friend! Julia my best friend, his cousin, and most of the school.

She's a thot. Lexi is going around the entertainment business spreading an STD, she is thot. Last edited on May 30 2017.

Submitted by on. Slang terms with the same meaning Other terms relating to ': • Definitions include: a word that has come to be an acronym (or is viewed by some as an acronym) when it was not originally an acronym. • Definitions include: 'seriously.' • Definitions include: acronym for 'right now'.

• Definitions include: something excellent. • Definitions include: acronym for 'significant other'. • Definitions include: acronym for 'take care [of] business' or 'taking care [of] business'. • Definitions include: acronym for 'I want to fall in love'. • Definitions include: acronym for 'Read the manual.' • Definitions include: an elderly person. • Definitions include: acronym of 'big deal.'

• Definitions include: acronym for 'double vaginal, double anal'. • Definitions include: acronym for 'fatty upper pussy area'. • Definitions include: 'never mind'. • Definitions include: 'hate'. • Definitions include: acronym for 'who '. • () Slang terms with the same root words. Other terms relating to 'hoe': • Definitions include: 'stick by your male friends over a female.'

• Definitions include: a manipulative female. • Definitions include: a general insult, usually applied to females. • Definitions include: to break plans with someone to do something else. • Definitions include: a male sitting in the middle of the back seat between two other people in a car full of males. • Definitions include: a place where prostitutes congregate to meet customers.

• Definitions include: a very promiscuous female. • Definitions include: a man who controls women (including strippers and prostitutes).

• Definitions include: One who use weapons without skill. • Definitions include: See. Other terms relating to 'over': • Definitions include: See. • Definitions include: pestering a person. • Definitions include: pestering multiple people. • Definitions include: Arse over tip / arse over tit.

• Definitions include: fallen in a dramatic fashion; '. • Definitions include: fallen in a dramatic fashion; '. • Definitions include: to do something with vigor. • Definitions include: a command (usually given by objects) implying that one is about to be taken advantage of, be in a bad situation, or fail miserably. • Definitions include: a phrase of one is about to be in trouble big-time or something bad is about to happen. • Definitions include: to be extremely accommodating. • Definitions include: 'Get ready for some serious trouble.'