Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:29 pm Not found one. Which is odd! Seems to, on the whole, default to PAGE_SIZE which is 4096. A better way of dealing with this is to have your own buffer, and transfer data from the serial buffer to that using another thread.

Pyserial - How to read the last line sent from a serial device. Ask Question. My impression is the asker is delimiting what the arduino is sending by newlines so it probably won't match the receive buffer size. – JosefAssad Jul 7 '09 at 17:32. Arduino-Python robust serial communication protocol. Read latest character sent.

That way you can have whatever buffer size you need and can leave the serial driver to do it's job. Is there anyway change the driver default setting in Linux? Download avery template 5468 state of florida. As I said, not that I have found. You could perhaps rebuild the kernel with a larger buffer size. Not sure which particular uart drivers we use though.