What is cocaine? Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant native to South America. Although health care providers can use it for valid medical purposes, such as local anesthesia for some surgeries, recreational cocaine use is illegal.

Crack cocaine is a chemically processed form of cocaine, a stimulant drug made into a white powder from leaves of coca bushes growing in the Andes Mountains of South America. To make crack, the white crystalline cocaine powder — cocaine hydrochloride — is dissolved and boiled in a mixture of water and ammonia or baking soda. When that cools into a solid substance, small pieces, often called 'rocks,' are formed, according to a 2009 RCMP report on 'The Illicit Drug Situation in Canada.' How is it used? Download free song over and over again god is faithful and just

To turn cocaine (pictured in the sealed bag) into crack, it is sometimes mixed with baking soda. (WikimediaCommons) Cocaine is injected or snorted. Crack cocaine is usually smoked, often in a glass pipe, although it can also be injected. The word 'crack' comes from the distinctive sound heard when the substance heats up. When crack is heated and inhaled, the vapours are absorbed through the lungs and into the bloodstream, according to the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse. A high from smoking crack could last five to 10 minutes, says the institute, compared to 15 to 30 minutes for a high from snorting cocaine.

How does it affect the body? Cocaine is well-known for creating feelings of euphoria, alertness or extra energy. It also, according to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, boosts the same brain chemicals that make people feel good when they drink, eat or have sex. The list of potential effects cocaine and crack cocaine can have on a person is long, and can vary depending on the amount taken, how often it is smoked and any medical or psychological conditions a person may have. According to CAMH, people may use cocaine occasionally without harming themselves, but the drug can be 'very dangerous, whether it’s used once or often.'

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Effects on the body can include: • Thickening and constricting of blood vessels, cutting the flow of oxygen to the heart. • Increased blood pressure.

• Seizures or heart failure as a result of an overdose, which can occur even after consuming a small amount of the drug. 'When cocaine is used with alcohol, the liver produces cocaethylene, a powerful compound that increases the risk of sudden death beyond the risk of using cocaine alone,' says CAMH. Some effects of short-term use of cocaine, according to Health Canada, can range from dry mouth, dilated pupils and rapid breathing, to loss of appetite, anxiety and paranoid thinking.


Other potential effects of cocaine are nausea and vomiting, elevated body temperature, shaking and muscle twitching, severe agitation and hallucinations. How addictive is crack cocaine? According to CAMH, smoking crack, 'with its rapid, intense and short-lived effects, is the most addictive' method of taking cocaine. 'However, any method of taking cocaine can lead to addiction.

The amount of cocaine used, and how often people use the drug, has an effect on whether people get addicted.' What long-term impacts can cocaine have?

According to Health Canada, long-term use of cocaine can lead to erratic behaviour, psychosis, sleeping and eating problems, impotence, heart problems, nose and sinus problems, breathing problems and birth defects. Smoking cocaine, says CAMH, can also cause a potentially fatal condition called 'crack lung,' which has symptoms ranging from severe chest pains and breathing problems to fever. How common is cocaine/crack use in Canada? Just over one per cent of Canadians 15 years and older used crack or cocaine in 2012, according to Health Canada's Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey. That's down from 1.9 per cent in the 2006 edition of the survey. Almost 80 per cent of cocaine users surveyed said 'it would be easy or very easy to get' cocaine. What does it cost to buy crack in Canada?

The typical retail price for crack in Canada in 2009 was $80.50 for a gram, according to the United Nations World Drug Report 2013. The typical wholesale price in Canada was $26,178.90 for a kilogram of crack, according to the report. According to an RCMP price list for illicit drugs sold in Toronto in 2009, a gram of crack sold for $80 to $100 and a rock weighing about a tenth of a gram sold for about $20.