This very subtle physical gesture may seem like nothing, but you definitely don’t want to get into the bad habit of unconsciously doing it every time your partner says something that you find asinine or annoying. “Eye-rolling conveys contempt, a strong clue that the relationship is unhealthy and will not last,” says mind-body focused psychotherapist.

Being the Strong Man a Woman Wants: Timeless Wisdom on Being a Man by Elliott Katz To women: He's sensitive, romantic and tries hard to please you, but when there's a problem he seems oblivious. When you ask for input on a decision, he says, 'It's up to you.'

If you find yourself about to roll those eyes, close them instead. Eventually, you’ll be able to resist the urge — and your relationship will be stronger for it. Sometimes when couples are in conflict with each other, one partner doesn’t want to talk anymore.

That’s fine, but choosing to ignore your partner with the silent treatment is anything but. “While needing space is normal and healthy, the silent treatment is ultimately a cutting off of communication,” says dating and relationship coach. “Plus, people usually reserve the silent treatment for times when communication is most needed, such as following a fight or during stressful periods in a relationship.” Rather than outright ignoring him or her, express your desire for silence clearly by telling your partner that you need a break from talking. Aside from the silent treatment, simply not speaking and forcing your partner into a sole directive role can hurt your bond. As Elliott Katz, author of “,” explains, one of the main causes of relationship discontent is when one partner steps back when the other wants him or her to step forward and take his or her share of the responsibilities. “It’s the silence when a woman asks a man for his input on a decision, and he says, ‘Whatever you want. You decide,’” he says.

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“And it’s the silence when, instead of being aware of what needs to be done, he always asks his wife what to do. He doesn’t realize that this makes her have to tell him what to do, which then makes her feel like he’s a child and she’s his mother.” This dynamic, he adds, erodes passion, appreciation, love and respect. As time goes on, many partners can get a little too comfortable, which slowly and silently leads to a lack of passion and attraction, says relationship coach Jonathan Bennett. “This letting go can be physical, where one or both partners gains weight, stops working out and becomes generally unhealthy,” he explains. “However, couples also let themselves go by stopping personality development and self-improvement. For example, people lose their passionate, adventurous natures and become low-energy and uptight.” Certainly, life events like having a child or getting sick can cause people to give their physical appearance or passions a backseat.