Shiva ashtottarashata naamaavali om Shivaaya namaha 1. Aum, Salutations to Shiva, the Auspicious One om Maheshvaraaya namaha 2. Aum, Salutations to Maheshvara, the Great Lord om Shambhave namaha 3.

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Aum, Salutations to Shambhu, the One who bestows happiness om Pinaakine namaha 4. Aum, Salutations to Pinakin, the Wielder of the bow om Shashishekharaaya namaha 5. Aum, Salutations to Shashishekhara, the Bearer of the moon om Vaamadevaaya namaha 6. Aum, Salutations to Vamadeva, the beautiful Lord om Viruupaakshaaya namaha 7.

Aum, Salutations to Virupaksha, the One of spotless form om Kapardine namaha 8. Aum, Salutations to Kapardin, the One with matted hair om Niilalohitaaya namaḥ 9. Aum, Salutations to Nilalohita, the One who is bluish-red in hue om Shankaraaya namaha 10. Aum, Salutations to Shankara, the Causer of all good om Shuulapaanaye namaha 11.

Aum, Salutations to Shulapani, the Wielder of the trident om Khatvaangine namaha 12. Aum, Salutations to Khatvangin, the Wielder of the axe om Vishnuvallabhaaya namaha 13. Aum, Salutations to Vishnu-vallabha, the One loved by Vishnu om Shipivishtaaya namaha 14. Aum, Salutations to Shipivishta, the One encircled in rays of light om Ambikaanaathaaya namaha 15. Aum, Salutations to Ambika-natha, the Lord of Ambika (Shakti) om Shriikanthaaya namaha 16. Aum, Salutations to Srikantha, the One with a shining throat om Bhaktavatsalaaya namaha 17. Aum, Salutations to Bhakta-vatsala, the One who loves His devotees om Bhavaaya namaha 18.

Aum, Salutations to Bhava, the One who is existence itself om Sharvaaya namaha 19. Aum, Salutations to Sharva, the great Archer om Trilokeshaaya namaha 20. Aum, Salutations to Trilokesha, the Ruler of the three worlds om Shitikanthaaya namaha 21. Aum, Salutations to Shitikantha, the One with a white throat om Shivaapriyaaya namaha 22. Aum, Salutations to Shivapriya, the Beloved of Shivaa (Shakti) om Ugraaya namaha 23.

Buku motivasi islami pdf kitaplar. Aum, Salutations to Ugra, the fierce One om Kapaaline namaha 24. Aum, Salutations to Kapalin, the Wielder of a skull-bowl om Kaamaaraye namaha 25. Aum, Salutations to Kamara, the Destroyer of all passions om Andhakaasurasuudanaaya namaha 26. Aum, Salutations to Andhakasura-sudana, the Destroyer of the demon of blindness om Gangaadharaaya namaha 27. Aum, Salutations to Gangadhara, the Bearer of the river Ganga om Lalaataakshaaya namaha 28.

Aum, Salutations to Lalataksha, the One with a forehead eye om Kaalakaalaaya namaha 29. Aum, Salutations to Kalakala, the Ender of time (death) om Kripaanidhaye namaha 30.

Aum, Salutations to Kripanidhi, the Treasure of compassion om Bhiimaaya namaha 31. Aum, Salutations to Bhima, the formidable One om Parashuhastaaya namaha 32. Aum, Salutations to Parashu-hasta, the One who holds an axe om Mrigapaanaye namaha 33. Aum, Salutations to Mrigapani, the One who bears a deer in His hand om Jataadharaaya namaha 34. Aum, Salutations to Jatadhara, the One who wears matted locks om Kailaasavaasine namaha 35. Aum, Salutations to Kailasavasin, the One who dwells in Kailasa om Kavacine namaha 36.